Meet the CA Assemblywoman behind an effort to lower the CA voting age
Earlier this year I had the privilege of sitting down with Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez to discuss her push to amend the California...
Notes From The Field: A Different Kind of Prison
That afternoon, we found ourselves bumping along a remote, dusty road in South Carolina. And though Merritt and I were determined to...
Notes From The Field: Too Many Students Are Dying
The most inspiring stories can often be found in the most unlikely places. In Webster City, Iowa’s StuCamp was no exception. First for...
In Response to Trump: Organize. Infiltrate. Blog.
It was a chilly January day when my colleagues and I entered the Capitol building in Frankfort, Kentucky armed with signage and talking...
The Rise in Student Activism and Why We Should Embrace It
Chances are you’ve seen the viral videos of students yelling at professors and the arguments over Halloween costumes. Or maybe you’ve...
Student: I think this school should be shut down.
I started off the roundtable in this rural South Carolina school the way I always do. I asked, “What can y’all tell me about your school...